0807, 2022

Three Tricks to Managing Virtual Teams

By Rachel Burr | Jul 8th, 2022 | Leadership development, Organizational Development, Team Building, | 0 Comments

Virtual teams' management requires leadership to use people skills and communication technology to build trust, teamwork and relationships. ...

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0506, 2022

Owning Your Executive Presence

By Rachel Burr | Jun 5th, 2022 | Leadership development, Team Building, | 0 Comments

Executive presence is crucial to effective leadership. Aspiring leaders may reject developing executive presence if they view it as inauthentic o...

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0605, 2022

The Great Resignation: Challenges for Leaders and Companies

By Rachel Burr | May 6th, 2022 | HR & People Development, Leadership development, Organizational Development, | 0 Comments

This is an edited transcript from the live audio version aired Live on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook on March 2nd, 2022, on "the Great Resignation - Wh...

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0405, 2022

Surprises Are for Parties, Not Performance Reviews

By Rachel Burr | May 4th, 2022 | HR & People Development, Leadership development, Organizational Development, | 0 Comments

The dreaded annual performance reviews: Employees fear them, or at best are indifferent. Managers view them as check-the box HR processes to (begrudg...

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1604, 2022

What Makes Delegation So Difficult?

By Rachel Burr | Apr 16th, 2022 | Leadership development, Organizational Development, Team Building, | 0 Comments

The art of delegation has never been more important. Organizations are larger, more complex, and have distributed workforces that span the globe. Ind...

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2802, 2022

How to Communicate Company Culture

By Rachel Burr | Feb 28th, 2022 | HR & People Development, Organizational Development, Team Building, | 0 Comments

Fast-growing companies want to quickly hire and onboard people who are not only smart and capable but also a good “culture fit” for the organizat...

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2901, 2022

Announcing the Launch of Newly Rebranded Catamentum Leadership Coaching!

By Rachel Burr | Jan 29th, 2022 | Leadership development, Team Building, | 0 Comments

I am so excited to announce the launch of my newly rebranded Catamentum Leadership Coaching (formerly known as The Practical Sage, LLC.) Rebranded...

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0904, 2021

The Old Boat Shed

By Rachel Burr | Apr 9th, 2021 | Leadership development, Rachel Burr's Personal Stories, | 0 Comments

My grandparents’ fishing cabin was not much to look at. It had a few small rooms, a “one-fanny” kitchen, and it sat on the bank of a muddy rive...

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0204, 2021

The Road Not Yet Built

By Rachel Burr | Apr 2nd, 2021 | Leadership development, | 0 Comments

How do we navigate a path that doesn’t exist? At least, doesn’t exist yet. We know how to follow a well-worn route. In school, we had sp...

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0703, 2021

To Build Your Path, Start with You

By Rachel Burr | Mar 7th, 2021 | Leadership development, Rachel Burr's Personal Stories, | 0 Comments

“Where do I even start?” Have you ever uttered those words when you thought about changing roles, shifting your career, or even just escaping...

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