Tag: core values

Develop a Leadership Philosophy to Guide Your Organization

Developing a leadership philosophy leads to consistent decision making, teamwork, and results. Begin the process by identifying core values and principles to craft a clear statement of purpose.  

What is a leadership philosophy?

What is your philosophy? We may have a philosophy about how to achieve professional success, find happiness, or discover the best hamburger in all of [insert favorite tourist destination here]. Since this blog is mostly about leadership, let’s talk about your leadership philosophy. 

Every leader has a leadership philosophy, whether they know it or not, and they act on that philosophy, whether they realize it or not. Our leadership philosophy comes from our values, purpose, and principles, and that philosophy then fuels our behavior. When we understand and develop our leadership philosophy, we align our behavior with the leader we aspire to be and the impact we want to have on our team and business. 

The benefits of identifying our leadership philosophy include–

Clear decision-making. A well-thought-out leadership philosophy reflects the leader’s belief and priorities based on core values. Leaders who have a clear understanding of what is most important create a foundation for making decisions that align with their goals and purposes.

Consistency and stability. A clear leadership philosophy provides a framework for consistent communication and decision-making. Team members know what’s expected and can work toward common goals, creating a sense of stability and cohesion.

Unity and alignment. Communicating a compelling vision brings teams together. Adopting and applying clear principles creates a shared understanding and purpose.

Resilience in challenging times. A strong leadership philosophy provides a foundation for  navigating challenges and unfamiliar terrain with resilience in times of uncertainty. It drives decisions and actions.

Identifying and implementing your leadership philosophy

Here are suggestions for developing your leadership philosophy:  

Identify Values. Start by thinking through your values and beliefs. What is most important to you? What values do you want to demonstrate as a leader to be authentic and true to who you are? Your values will be the foundation that guides your decisions and actions.

Define Purpose. The next step is to define your purpose. What do you want to achieve? Why does your organization exist? What makes it special? Is your personal purpose in alignment with your company’s?  Once you’ve defined your purpose, both personal and organizational, think broadly about your goals to achieve that purpose.  

Assess Strengths and Weaknesses. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of your team. How will you develop your leadership? What does your team need to develop and thrive? Answering these questions will connect your philosophy to how you show up as a leader.

Write it Down. Put your leadership philosophy into action. Review your values, purpose, strengths, and weaknesses and look for themes. Use them as a guide to craft clear statements about who you are as a leader.  

Stay flexible.  Remember that your leadership philosophy will always be a work in progress. The core of who you are will not change, but the demands of your environment will. Revisit and revise your philosophy and actions as your experience grows and your perspectives evolve.  

Different Ways of Implementing Leadership philosophy

Next, put your leadership philosophy into action.

Authentic leadership. Build trust and connection to empower a more engaged team. Authentic leaders value integrity and make principled decisions rather than expedient ones. They rely on both business goals and emotional intelligence to develop team cohesion.

Servant leadership. Servant leadership is often condensed into three simple practices:  (1) Ask questions and pay close attention to the answers; (2) Focus on growth, development, and empowerment of people; and (3) develop new leaders.  

Adaptive leadership. Meet the challenges of disruptive change. Adaptive leaders create an environment where novelty and “out of the box” thinking thrives. They exhibit self-awareness and confidence to admit they don’t have all the answers, and they leverage the wisdom and experience of the team. 

Situational leadership. Adjust your approach based on the needs of the business, your team, and even individuals. Ensure people on your team first develop the fundamental, practical skills they need to succeed. Then, coach and motivate them to look at their work holistically and problem-solve in the context of the bigger picture. Situational leadership gives team members more responsibility and autonomy as they become ready.  

When we clearly define our leadership philosophy, we connect our actions to the core of our leadership. We make better decisions, create higher performing teams, and, even in the most turbulent times, we stand on a firm foundation to navigate the unknown.  

If you would like to learn more about developing your leadership philosophy, please contact us.  


Rachel Burr is an executive and leadership coach with over 20 years of experience working with CEOs and the C-suite across all industries, in organizations of from 200 to 10,000 employees. Rachel holds dual master’s degrees in Organization Development and Clinical Psychology, and numerous certifications in the field of executive coaching. Rachel is a “people expert” who works with clients to unleash their leadership potential.  If you would like to learn more, please contact us.